The Brother Who Fucks Me Well


Title: The Brother Who Fucks Me Well (잘 박아주는 형)
Author: Leneije (레네이제)
Original work: LINK (must be Ridi member with adult verification)
Platform: Ridibooks
Publisher: 해오름하루 출판
Date of original publication: October 2021
Word count: 7,700 words
Content warning: NSFW. 

Summary: It’s early summer, and Seojun visits his best friend’s house to watch a scary movie but is instead met by his friend’s handsome older brother, Dohun. One thing leads to another, and they end up watching the movie together. But Dohun Hyung seems to have other fun ideas in mind.



“You don’t like chocolate, Hyung?”

Dohun Hyung opened his mouth as he stared at the round cookie I held out. I assumed he would receive it with his hands, but instead, he simply waited with his mouth open, startling me.

You want me to feed you?

I was taken aback since Hyung and I weren't exactly friendly enough to feed each other. But then again, I frequented their home often. And it was true that, of all the older guys in my life, I was closest to Dohun Hyung. I glowed inside because apparently he felt comfortable enough with me to eat a cookie straight from my fingers.

As I gently pushed the cookie into Dohun Hyung’s mouth, he swept my fingers with the tip of his tongue. His hot, smooth tongue sliding dizzily across my finger made me shiver, and I instinctively snatched my hand back. Goosebumps appeared on the back of my neck, and my heart started pounding.

Dohun Hyung, however, seemed calm. As if nothing had happened.

